A new tool for generating bundle manifest headers, called
mangen, is now available. (June 10, 2005)
Updated HTTP Service bundle to correct a minor problem with
re-registering aliases. (April 6, 2005)
Added a new donated HTTP-based administration bundle, called HTTP Shell. This
bundle supports shell and OBR access and provides support for basic
user authentication. (February 21, 2005)
Updated the OBR bundle and the Shell Plugin bundle.
Added a Permission Admin service bundle (TIDpema) and an User
Admin service bundle (TIDuma) to the repository.
(February 16th, 2005)
Added JMX-based Jmood Management Agent bundle to the repository
meta-data. (December 16th, 2004)
(News archive)
What is OBR?
OBR is an incubator and repository for OSGi bundles. For those who are
unaware, the OSGi Alliance is a
consortium working on defining standards for delivering and managing
dynamically downloadable services into networked environments. The OSGi
Alliance has defined
a dynamically extensible framework for this purpose, which supports the
dynamic deployment and execution of components, called bundles. The
OSGi framework provides an excellent platform for building dynamically
extensible applications.
OBR has two two main goals:
- Provide a repository of useful and/or didactic bundles that can
be easily deployed into existing OSGi frameworks.
- Promote a community effort around bundle creation by increasing
the visibility of individual bundles.
The main approach that OBR uses to achieve these goals is to provide
simple access mechanisms for the bundles in the repository. Consequently,
there are multiple ways to access the repository bundles:
- Web access - all bundles in the OBR repository are
accessible via this web page.
- Programmatic access - the
Repository bundle provides an OSGi service for dynamically
deploying repository bundles and the transitive closure of their
deployment dependencies into an executing OSGi framework.
- Interactive access - the
Repository bundle also provides a shell command for Oscar's
Shell Service
bundle, so if you are using Oscar you can interactively type
OBR commands at Oscar's shell prompt. Additionally, the
Shell Plugin
bundle provides a GUI interface for the
Shell GUI bundle.
While many of the bundles were developed for the
Oscar OSGi
framework implementation, they should work with other implementations,
such as Knopflerfish.
The following is a complete list of all bundles in the OBR
repository. Not all bundles are hosted on this site and individual
bundles have varying licenses; please consult the individual bundle
documentation for details. The source for these bundles is an excellent
way to learn how to implement bundles, but you may also want
to review the bundle
- Bundle Repository
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A bundle repository service for Oscar.
- Content Handler
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An example content handler for URL Handlers service.
- Data Stream Handler
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An example stream handler for URL Handlers service.
- Device Manager
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Manages the core service for the device access specification
- DomoWare UPnP Base Driver
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A bundle that implement the UPnP Base Driver Specifiation
- DomoWare UPnP Base Driver Extra
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A set of service interface and classes that are not-Standard, but allow you to have more control on UPnP
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Extended Commands for Oscar Shell
- Handler Test
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Tests the OSGi URL Handlers service.
- HTTP Admin
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A simple HTTP-based bundle administrator.
- HTTP Driver Locator
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Implements the Driver locator service through a simple http access
- HTTP Driver Resource
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Registers a specific context for drivers downloading through an httpserver
- HTTP Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An implementation of the OSGi HTTP Service using Jetty.
- HTTP Shell
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- HTTP-based admin (bundle, shell, orb, with basic auth).
- HTTP Test
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Simple test bundle for the HTTP Service.
- JMX-MX4J Agent Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A bundle that provides a jmx service
- JMX-MX4J http connector
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A bundle that provides a jmx http connector (http://localhost:8082)
- JMX-MX4J RMI connector
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A jmx rmi remote connector. To be used with MC4J for instance
- Log Reader
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Reads log events from log service
- Log Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- OSGi compliant log service.
- MBean Factory
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A service that manages MBeans representing services.
- MBeanPsCommand
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A shell command service to lists services.
- Messenger
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A simple instant messenger.
- Module Manager
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Manages linux modules through insmod/rmmod calls
- MP3 Player
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A bundle that manages an mp3 stream (javazoom wrapper)
- Notification Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Notification service based on the Siena event system.
- OSGi MBean
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A bundle that starts an mbean that represents OSGi
- OSGi Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Library for all org.osgi.service packages.
- OSGi Util
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Library for all org.osgi.util packages.
- PCMCIA Device service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Defines a simple pcmcia device bridge (a base driver)
- Permission Admin
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An implementation of the OSGi permission administrator service. Check also "Permz Setter"
- Permission Manager
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A simple bundle to modify permissions.
- Permz Setter
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Shell commands to set and remove Permissions in the PermissionAdmin service.
- Preferences
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An implementation of the OSGi Preferences service.
- Preferences Test
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A shell command to test the OSGi Preferences service.
- Remote Bundle Installer
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Installs remote bundles declared in a deployment_decs.xml file located on some server.
- Remote Components
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Remote components plugin that implement a GUI interface for Oscar
- Remote Logger
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Notifies log events
- Remote Shell GUI
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A simple remote GUI shell for Oscar
- RMI Gateway
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- RMI Gateway bundle allows remote frameworks using services from each other.
- RMI registry
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A rmiregistry wrapper
- Service Binder
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Mechanism that automates service dependency management.
- Service Introspector
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A service for introspecting services.
- Service Lookup
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A simple bundle to test service lookup permissions.
- Service Notifier
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A service that observes service life cycles.
- Service Register
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A simple bundle to test service registration permissions.
- Servlet
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A library bundle javax.servlet packages.
- Shell Extra
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Extra shell commands for Oscar's shell.
- Shell GUI
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Simple GUI shell for Oscar (use with Shell Plugin).
- Shell MBean
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An MBean to access the shell service.
- Shell Plugin
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Bundle list, console, and OBR plugins for Shell GUI.
- Shell Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Simple shell service for interacting with Oscar.
- Shell TUI
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Simple text-based shell for Oscar.
- Simple
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Example bundle that demonstates OSGi features.
- Table Layout
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Table layout library bundle.
- Telnet Service
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- General telnet daemon service bundle for OSGi.
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- OSGi management bundle to manage framework and bundle meta-data.
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- JMX management bundle to manage framework and bundle meta-data.
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- OSGi application manager to control installed applications.
- TIDpema
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- PermissionAdmin implementation for the OSGi R3 specification.
- TIDuma
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- UserAdmin implementation for the OSGi R3 specification.
- Tiny Shell Component
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Tiny components that implement a GUI interface for Oscar
- Tiny Shell GUI
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A Simple Tiny GUI for Oscar
- UPnP Clock Device
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A sample UPnP Device service to test UPnP Base Driver
- UPnP Control Point
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- An GUI application that run as a general Control Point for UPnP Device
- UPnP Standard Binary Light
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A sample UPnP Device service to test UPnP Base Driver. This device implement the BinaryLight stardized by UPnP Forum
- UPnP TV Device
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- A sample UPnP Device service to test UPnP Base Driver
- URL Handlers
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Implementation of the OSGi Handlers service.
- Wire Admin
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Wire Admin service implementation.
- Wire Admin Command
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- Wire Admin Service commands for Oscar shell.
( docs |
bundle |
source )
- General XML/RPC server bundle.
Submitting Bundles
Currently, there is no automated way to submit a bundle to OBR. To
submit a bundle to OBR, send its meta-data, encoded in the XML
format used by OBR, to Richard S. Hall;
see the repository.xml
for examples. Refer to the
source packaging section of the Bundle Repository bundle documentation.
In the future, tools could be developed to simplify this
process and make it possible to generate bundle manifest and OBR meta-data
Note: It is not necessary to physically host your bundle
on this site. It is possible to just add your bundle's meta-data to OBR
and have the meta-data URLs point to your own host.
Any questions? Want to include your bundle? Want to contribute?
Contact Richard S. Hall.
Rob Walker from Ascert.
Stephane Frenot from l'INSA de Lyon.
Humberto Cervantes from Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa.
Didier Donsez from LSR-IMAG.
Stephane Chomat from LSR-IMAG.